QUICK MEALS ARE NOT AFFECTED USE MC COMMAND CENTER FOR THAT When installed with SCCO (Srsly’s Cooking Overhaul) the mod doesn’t completely stop autonomous cooking like before but it is dramatically lessened. When hunger is low any food that is out on tables or counters sims will eat. Update: 3/18/21 Added cooking on the grills and campfires LMS Prefer Leftovers (assumed because hers modifies autonomous cooking) But if you do find an issue please let us know. To make sure Sims stop smoking inside, go to the Lot Traits tab at the lot you want to stay smoke free, and select the No Smoking Inside lot trait. No longer will sims use the sauna without your permission, and no more will using the sauna’s mud bath increase the sim’s lifespan. Other than that one bug the mod does work. This is a set of two mods that say no no no to some of the automatic sauna settings in the vanilla Sims 3 game. Sims won’t eat leftovers when the hunger bar is low.Now with this mod installed you will have to directly tell your sims to make food but if you do so while the hunger bar is full they won’t eat it, but if you tell them when the bar is halfway or low the sim will eat the food right away. I made this mod when I saw a lot of people in Basemental’s server with this bug: Like the title says this mod stops sims from cooking on their own.